Interest and expertise
I am a recent graduate of the MSc in Environmental Change and Management at the Oxford Environmental Change Institute and hold a BA in Economics from Harvard College. In 2016, I completed the School for International Training’s Honors Program on Climate Change: the Politics of Food, Water, and Energy, conducting my field research on hydropower in Vietnam, agricultural reform in Morocco, and agroecology in Bolivia. Prior to arriving at Oxford, I worked as junior advisor to the OECD Chief of Staff and G20/G7 Sherpa in Paris as part of the organisation’s Young Associate Programme. In this role, I supported the Chief of Staff in advancing her strategic agenda, including the coordination of the organisation’s gender equality and inclusive growth work. From an academic perspective, my research focuses mainly on the social justice and equity implications of environmental change, framing much of my research through the lenses of political ecology and ecological economics. Having spent my life on mainland and island coastlines, I have grown passionate about coastal and marine nature-based solutions for climate change adaptation and mitigation.