The demand for reliable, evidence-based guidance on how best to implement, monitor and evaluate NbS is growing rapidly. To meet this demand we are looking for investors and philanthropic partners to help us grow the Initiative into a world-leading institute. Working with experts from across the University of Oxford and beyond, your support would enable us to:
- Conduct cutting-edge interdisciplinary research into the effectiveness of NbS
- Develop robust guidelines for businesses, financial institutions and governments on how to best to implement NbS
- Broaden the scope of our systematic reviews using AI to include evidence on the effectiveness of NbS in cities, for infrastructure, food security and across supply chains.
- Support action on the ground through monitoring and evaluation of existing NbS projects and in situ training and capacity building exercises.
- Communicate synthesised evidence on NbS effectiveness through multiple media and in multiple languages to increase our global reach and local relevance.
How you can help
Funding generated through donations, Industry Partnerships or direct investments will cover basic operation of the NbSI and one or more of the five broad areas outlined above. We are also interested in discussing smaller investments (e.g. to support bodies of work, including sponsorship of our bi-annual conference) or much larger donations (e.g. to endow a Chair and establish an institute in Nature-based Solutions).
We can and we must create a future in which humans and nature not only survive but thrive together. The path toward that future is our legacy to our youth.
– Christina Figueres
01 Donations
If you would like to donate to us, no matter how large or small, please use the link below and if you are a UK taxpayer you can also add Gift Aid.
02 Become an Industry partner
Becoming a partner of the NbSI, you will have the opportunity to:
- Shape research agendas
- Develop and evaluate new programmes
- Work with the NbSI team on joint research projects
- Support fellowships for students, postdoctoral researchers and research scientists
- Network and exchange knowledge
- Participate in NbSI seminars and workshops
- Join partner forums to meet both academic and industry leaders
- Take part in and shape the bi-annual NbS Conference, providing speakers or panellists
- Attend annual Advisory Board dinner in Oxford
- Stay in touch with the latest research
- Early access to NbS research, platforms and tools
- Enrich your company events with academic speakers
- Have members of your organisation take part in executive education on NbS
- Access to a pool of talented researchers for your sustainability teams
Industry Partners initially commit to a three-year membership.
03 As an investor or company
If you are company or individual who would like to invest in our vision more substantively, would like a copy of our funding proposal, or would simply like to know more, please contact: nathalie.seddon[at]
As nature declines, the prospects for business success and future prosperity dwindle. Conversely, the business opportunities that await those committed to restoring natural ecosystems could be considerable.
New Nature Economy Report 2020, World Economic Forum
Contact Us
We want to see ambition for climate and biodiversity enhanced through Nature-based Solutions and, with your help, we will provide the evidence and the tools that decision-makers need to make that happen.
If you are interested in supporting and/or working with us or require more information please contact us.