Tasfia Tasnim

Researcher and programme coordinator

e: tasfia.tasnim@icccad.org


International Centre for Climate Change and Development (ICCCAD)
Tasfia in front of night lights

Interests and expertise

My work is mainly focusing on research, capacity building and policy advocacy in the field of climate change, environment and sustainable development. I mainly coordinate the Nature-based Solutions (NbS) Programme at the International Centre for Climate Change and Development (ICCCAD) based in Dhaka, Bangladesh. My expertise is mainly centered around nature-based solutions, climate services and climate finance. From ICCCAD, I am collaborating with the Nature-based Solutions Initiative (NbSI) at the University of Oxford to develop the NbS Bangladesh Portal and NbS Bangladesh Network to gather and generate evidence base on NbS and to sensitise different groups of actors on NbS. Under the Oxford Martin School Programme on Biodiversity and Society, I am managing the work with Oxford, Peru and Bangladesh from ICCCAD and am involved as a researcher to explore the economic recovery potential of NbS interventions from Bangladesh. I aspire to become an environmental researcher aiming to influence policy decisions through sustainable and impactful research interventions by working on climate change, development, biodiversity and nature.


I am a researcher and activist in the field of climate change, environmeInternational Centre for Climate Change and Development (ICCCAD)
nt and sustainable development. By degree, I am a Planner. I hold a bachelor’s degree in Urban and Regional Planning from the Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET). Currently, I am doing master’s in Climate Change and Development from Independent University, Bangladesh (IUB). My research projects mainly include topics related to climate change adaptation, nature-based solutions, climate finance and climate services.

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