Scottish Highlands landscape restoration at Bunloit

Scottish Highlands landscape restoration at Bunloit
Bunloit Estate is on the west shore of Loch Ness, Scotland

This landscape-scale programme will restore 1200 acres of land to boost biodiversity, enhance carbon stores, and provide sustainable livelihoods for local people. Sustainable businesses will provide employment and affordable zero-carbon housing will be constructed from local materials; this will contribute to COVID recovery and set an example of how to deliver a rural green new deal. Biodiversity and long-term carbon storage will be enhanced through peatland restoration, grassland grazing by Highland cattle and ponies, and replacing non-native conifer plantations with mixed-species native woodland. The 2021-30 plan is being developed through a 12-month consultation process with local people and national organisations, putting local needs and perspectives first.

For more information, explore the Bunloit website.