Interests and expertise
I am an MSc student in Biodiversity, Conservation, and Management in the Geography and Environment Department at the University of Oxford. For my master’s dissertation, I am supervised by Dr. William Thompson, researching the climate suitability of cocoa in West Africa and refining this analysis using microclimatic data. I have developed a strong interest in interdisciplinary research, extending beyond physical geography to explore environmental policy, ethics, and law through core modules and electives in my master’s programme. I am enthusiastic about learning from and contributing to ongoing environmental research, including assessing the impacts of legal frameworks on biodiversity and human well-being, and particularly analysing quantitative data and translating it into environmental policy.
My undergraduate studies have centred on understanding environmental processes and on identifying and devising solutions related to human utilisation. I spent several months in Svalbard in the Arctic, monitoring carbon emissions from wetlands and pingos, which are typical permafrost landforms, and created a seasonal diffusion model. Alongside my studies, I completed internships with a state environmental agency focused on coastal protection and nature conservation, and with a think tank specialising in climate foreign policy. Beyond academics, I enjoy photography, capturing fieldwork and journeys. I am honoured to serve as the Environment and Ethics Representative at Christ Church College and engage into the Nature Positive Universities network.