Aline Soterroni

Research fellow



Department of Biology, University of Oxford
International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA)
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Interests and expertise

I am a Research Fellow at the Nature-based Solutions (NbSI) and Oxford Net Zero (ONZ) Initiatives. My research interests focus on scenarios modelling for environmental and climate policy evaluation, with a particular emphasis on Brazil. I have experience using regional economic land-use models to provide quantitative science-based results to Brazilian stakeholders and policymakers. As part of the NbSI and ONZ, I am interested in understanding the synergies and trade-offs between net zero policies and biodiversity conservation, including the role of Nature-based Solutions in climate mitigation efforts. I am also interested in evaluating policies regarding ecosystem protection connected to forest-risk supply chain agreements.

I previously advised Brazil’s Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation on generating technical inputs that can be used to update the country’s NDC and the net zero plan, from September 2023 to September 2024. I was also part of the team of researchers working on the development of SINAPSE 2.0, a scenarios modelling platform for climate and environmental policy evaluation in Brazil.


My background is Mathematics and I have a Master and a PhD in Applied Computing from Brazil’s National Institute for Space Research on unconstrained global optimization. I am an environmental scientist by training with experience in regional economic land use modeling for quantitative policy evaluation.



  • ONZ Webinar: Assessing the potential impact of the EU deforestation regulation in Brazil – ONZ webinar
  • ONZ Webinar: Net zero pathways for Brazil
  • NbS Conference: The role of NbS in Brazil’s net zero pathways



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