How can we manage uncertainties in habitat greenhouse gas emissions?
United Kingdom
Estimating emissions and developing mitigation pathways for environmental greenhouse gases presents additional challenges beyond those associated with tracking fossil carbon dioxide (CO2). Firstly, environmental emissions are uncertain and variable in time and space, reflecting the complicated interactions between ecological communities and their physical environment that give rise to emissions. S... Read more
Associated members
John LynchXiao Zhang
The Flourishing Landscapes Programme
Ecuador, Ghana, Vietnam
The Flourishing Landscapes Programme (FLP) addresses the triple challenge of livelihoods, climate change, and biodiversity loss at tropical forest frontiers. It will develop novel landscape-scale transdisciplinary research, via a new network of scientists and practitioners, to investigate strategies to both biodiversity and the climate resilience of smallholder farmers. By investigating agroforest... Read more
Associated members
William ThompsonNathalie SeddonLubasi LimwetaKatie Lois HutchinsonEmma O’DonnellCeri PutmanDaniel HendingHelene KohnenMichael Ruggeri
Biodiversity and ecosystem function responses to woodland creation
United Kingdom
Using data collection across natural gradients and designed experiments, this project explores aboveground processes of forest establishment and interactions with belowground communities and soil properties, providing evidence on outcomes of forest expansion by natural regeneration vs planting. Working within Trees for Life’s Wild Trees Survey in the Scottish Highlands, we are exploring the d... Read more
Associated members
Emily WarnerJonathan Harper
Nature-based insights analytical framework
To explore practical yet ecologically and socially robust approaches to implement nature based solutions along supply chains, we have set up a social venture spin out of Oxford University Innovation: Nature-based Insights. The NbI team are developing a innovative NbI Analytical Framework, supported by a quantitative model, to provide the evidence for companies to monitor their impacts and dependen... Read more
Associated members
Cécile A.J. GirardinSeth Thomas
HARP Project: Facilitating Sustainable Reforestation in Tropical Agricultural Landscapes – The High Agricultural Reforestation Potential (HARP) Toolkit
Ghana, Vietnam
This project asks how can practitioner and scientific information be better integrated to enhance the sustainability of agroforestry transitions in smallholder production landscapes? Focussing on Ghana and Vietnam, to address this question we use transdisciplinary, human-centred design, remote sensing, on-farm biophysical measurements, socio-economic household surveys, and semi-structured intervie... Read more
Associated members
William ThompsonCaleb BramVan Thi Hai VanJonna Halonen
Sustain-Cocoa: Sustainable sourcing policies for biodiversity protection, climate mitigation, and improved livelihoods in the cocoa sector
Côte d’Ivoire, Ghana
This projects aims to understand the conditions under which supply-chain sustainability initiatives are able to facilitate agroforestry adoption. It also asks what are the socio-economic and environmental trade-offs of diversified agroforestry? The work involves semi-structured interviews, on-farm biophysical measurements, and socio-economic household surveys conducted in Ghana and Cote D’Ivoir... Read more
Associated members
William Thompson
Nature-based solutions for resilient infrastructure systems in Jamaica, Bangladesh and the Maldives
Bangladesh, Jamaica, Maldives
This project investigates the benefits and costs of NbS in enhancing the resilience of infrastructure systems, including water supplies, renewable energy, transport systems and flood protection. It uses geospatial tools to inform the prioritization of NbS and their deployment where they will yield the greatest benefits for infrastructure resilience, biodiversity, livelihoods and carbon sequestrati... Read more
Associated members
Robyn HaggisPrivate: Minerva Singh
Understanding the value and limits of NbS to address climate change and other development challenges in the Philippines
This research presents a country-specific review of nature-based solutions (NbS) for transformative change in the Global South. In the context of the Philippines, this project will elucidate evidence of NbS outcomes, understand the country’s priorities for, and enablers and barriers to, interventions, and lastly, explore the potential for NbS to address climate change and other sustainable devel... Read more
Associated members
Katrina Kendall
Conserving sharks and rays in the global south
This project assesses the vulnerability of shark species and sustainability of elasmobranch fishery against contemporary fishing pressures. This information is being integrated into the National Plan of Action for Sharks and rays-Bangladesh as part of the Food and Agriculture Organization’s International Plan of Action for Conservation and Management of Sharks. The research explores the ecologic... Read more
Associated members
Alifa Bintha HaqueRachel Cavanagh
Addressing climate vulnerability with nature-based solutions in Bangladesh
Bangladesh, like many lower income countries, is exceptionally vulnerable to increased climate risks, exacerbated by environmental degradation and socio-economic challenges including the COVID-19 pandemic. Nature-based solutions could provide cost-effective options to address these challenges but policymakers lack evidence on their effectiveness. To address this, we produced a comprehensive synthe... Read more
Associated members
Tasfia TasnimAlison SmithBeth TurnerAlexandre Chausson
Biodiversity outcomes of nature-based solutions for adaptation in the Tropical Andes
Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Venezuela
South America is one of the most biologically diverse areas of the planet, however, this diversity is threatened hugely by human activity and the changing climate. This project explores the outcomes of Nature-based Solutions for Adaptation upon biodiversity in the Tropical Andean region of South America and works towards building the evidence base of NbS for Adaptation. Using a combination of syst... Read more
Associated members
Katie Lois Hutchinson
Synergies and trade-offs between net zero policies and biodiversity conservation in Brazil
This project develops and deploys economic landuse modelling to understand the synergies and trade-offs between net zero policies and biodiversity conservation, including the role of nature-based solutions, in climate mitigation efforts, with a particular focus on Brazil. The project also seeks to understand the impacts on ecosystems of different trade policies and supply chain agreements.... Read more
Associated members
Aline SoterroniMichael Obersteiner