Revisiting indigenous farming knowledge of Jharkhand (India) for conservation of natural resources and combating climate change

Dey, P. and Sarkar, A.K. | Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge | 2011 | Peer Reviewed | Original research |


As in other parts of the world, the indigenous people of Jharkhand hold important context-relevant knowledge and strategies for addressing dwindling natural resources base and climate change. The paper documents some of the collective wealth of indigenous knowledge related to agricultural practices, including land preparation/ manuring/ soil treatment, cropping systems, input management, water resource management and utilization, and soil and water conservation practices, used especially by tribal farmers of the region. Related research and policy issues essential for successful amalgamation of such indigenous knowledge in resource conservation and climate change adaptation are also discussed. It concludes that the indigenous knowledge will help to address food and nutritional security in the face of climate change.