Adaptation to Climate Change-Induced Geodisasters in Coastal Zones of the Asia-Pacific Region
| Springer International Publishing | 2015 | Book (chapter) |
Results of recent investigations suggest that climate change tends to accelerate geodisasters. Therefore, adaptation to climate change has rapidly become and urgent issue. In comparison to those examining water disasters, few studies have examined climate change-induced geodisasters. This study aims to focus on climate change-induced geodisasters in various countries of the Asia-Pacific region, especially in Japan and Vietnam. Sea level rise is accounted for about 2 mm/1 on average in the region. This amount is much larger in some places due to groundwater extraction. Moreover, we should prepare for the worst case in which climate-induced severe rainfall, wave attacks, storm surges and a great earthquake might take place simultaneously or almost simultaneously with each other in the coastal zone, although this worst case might be very rare. As a possible compound geohazard caused by climate change, we propose solutions with emphasizes on using geosynthetics and ecological engineering measures.