Oxford host next generation of sustainability champions

Oxford host next generation of sustainability champions
Prize winners of the Trust for Sustainable Living's (TSL) International Student Essay Competition joined Nature-based Solutions Initiative for an inspirational day.

Last week, the Nature-based Solutions Initiative, alongside colleagues from across the University of Oxford, had the privilege of hosting winners of the Trust for Sustainable Living‘s International Student Essay Competition.

The event aimed to inspire and engage the leaders of tomorrow, with international students, aged 16-18 years old, invited to join discussions on sustainability, conservation and climate change. These students previously demonstrated passion and awareness through their essays on the themes of: green jobs, climate justice, protecting biodiversity, and partnerships for achieving the SDGs.

With speakers hailing from diverse backgrounds – such as biology, mathematics, law, and engineering – the discussions showcased how environmental challenges can be tackled from various angles and entry points, as well as emphasising the potential for interdisciplinary collaboration in addressing sustainability issues.

Students learnt about innovative approaches, such as using video games for conservation communication, to exploring net-zero tracking and agroforestry case studies. A panel discussion on wildlife conservation and a series of thought-provoking presentations offered diverse perspectives on addressing environmental challenges.

Participants learnt about engagement with the Global Youth Biodiversity Network and demonstrated the wide possibilities of research available to aspiring sustainability professionals of the future.

The event left a deep impression not only on the students but also on the teachers and accompanying parents, who found it to be an engaging and transformative experience. By cultivating a collaborative atmosphere, the event inspired teachers to provide continued support for their students’ pursuits and deepen their own understanding in the realm of sustainability.

By providing a platform to exchange ideas, learn from experts, and explore different facets of research, the event aimed to equip the next generation of sustainability champions with the passion, knowledge and drive to tackle global challenges.