NbSI Joins the Circular Bioeconomy Alliance
NbSI has joined the Circular Bioeconomy Alliance (CBA), becoming part of a global movement powered by nature and people.
The CBA was established by His Royal Highness The Prince of Wales in 2020, and is facilitated by a Secretariat hosted by the European Forest Institute. It includes large and small intergovernmental organizations, companies, investors, research organizations and NGOs, who provide expertise and implement projects in areas related to the circular bioeconomy.
A circular bioeconomy offers a conceptual framework for using renewable natural capital to holistically transform and manage our land, food, health and industrial systems as well as our cities.
The Alliance works to connect investors, companies, governmental and non-governmental organizations and local communities to advance the circular bioeconomy on the ground, while restoring biodiversity globally. Current activities include forest landscape restoration and agroforestry projects in Africa, Europe, South America and Asia. Its global network of Living Labs for Nature, People and Planet catalyze action on the ground and demonstrate how harmony can be achieved by empowering nature and people.
Alongside NbSI, 6 other new members have joined: COICA (Coordinator of the Indigenous Organizations of the Amazon Basin), Green Sahara Farms, Trees for Kenya, Impulso Verde Kuaspue Foundation, Rioterra, and Yagasu.
Read more about the Alliance on the CBA website and in the announcement of the new CBA members.