Low-carbon recovery is the best option for Brazil

A new study – A New Economy for a New Era: Elements for Building a More Efficient and Resilient Economy in Brazil – finds that a low-carbon, climate-resilient recovery for Brazil would provide more benefits for the country than continuing the current development model. Compared to business-as-usual a low-carbon economic recovery could provide: A net […] August 14, 2020
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Prioritising biodiversity conservation and a low-carbon economy makes sense for Brazil: 1) it's most dynamic economic sectors are reliant on fragile ecosystem services 2) the long-term consequences of the alternative would be disastrous 3) avoiding trade and investment disruption from international interference.

A new study – A New Economy for a New Era: Elements for Building a More Efficient and Resilient Economy in Brazil – finds that a low-carbon, climate-resilient recovery for Brazil would provide more benefits for the country than continuing the current development model. Compared to business-as-usual a low-carbon economic recovery could provide:

  • A net increase of over 2 million jobs
  • GDP gain of $535 billion
  • Restoration of 12 million ha of degraded pasture
  • $3.7 billion in additional agricultural production
  • 42% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions in 2025 compared to 2005
  • More resilient livelihoods and food security
  • And more…

Read the World Resource Institute’s summary of its work with the New Climate Economy here.